Quantamental and quantitative portfolios

Low-vol portfolios

Low-Vol are purely quantitative portfolios, where stocks are selected by grades, constructed 50% from earnings-momentum grade and 50% low volatility grade.

Performance of USA Low-Vol Portfolio vs benchmark since 2012 (150% relative return):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

USA Low-Vol Portfolio performance since 1 Oct 2018: (+19.83% relative return)

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

USA Low-Vol Portfolio performance in 2022: (+10.9% relative return)

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

Quantamental portfolios

Those portfolios are constructed with a combination of quantitative scores and qualitative insights.

USA quantamental Long portfolio performance since 1 Oct 2018 (+26.70 relative return):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

USA quantamental Long portfolio performance in 2022 (+0.36 relative return):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

USA quantamental Short portfolio performance since since 1 Oct 2018 (+46.22% relative performance – designed to underperform the benchmark):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

USA quantamental Short portfolio performance in 2022 (-0.5% relative performance – designed to underperform the benchmark):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

USA quantamental ESG portfolio performance since 1 Oct 2018 (+13% relative return):

bloomberg, Stouff Capital

Europe quantamental Long performance since 1 Oct 2018 (+23.20% relative performance) :

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

Europe quantamental Long performance in 2022 (+0.18% relative performance) :

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

Europe quantamental Short performance since 1 Oct 2018 (+28.80% relative performance – designed to underperform the benchmark):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

Europe quantamental Short performance in 2022 (-1.30% relative performance – designed to underperform the benchmark):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

Asia quantamental Long performance since 1 Oct 2018 (+37.80% relative performance – designed to underperform the benchmark):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital

Asia quantamental Long performance 2022 (-1.30% relative performance – designed to underperform the benchmark):

Source: bloomberg, Stouff Capital


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past performance is not a guarantee of future results.